Monday, July 19, 2010

She wore it

...and liked it!

Here she is after church yesterday.  Success!

And speaking of success, yesterday was her first time in nursery (the class for toddlers at church).  Two hours without us and didn't cry once.  She is our only child to ever do that without clinging onto our legs for weeks.  Mom and Dad cheers!!!


  1. love the dress! And horray for going to nursery. hope it continues. I was in nursery for months with my 2 girls, but the boy just went right in happy to play. I was shocked. So nice!

  2. OMG I LOVE that dress! Could she be any cuter?? I LOVE those big blue eyes! I just wanted to kiss her little face right off:) You are so talented!!!

  3. I love it!! I have so many projects I want to do and I just added this one to my list. Now I just need to get past girls camp. Way to go!!

  4. LOVE LOVE the dress. It is a cute fit and I love the pattern. Time to bust one out for Sam!!


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