Thursday, January 31, 2008


Taking a day off. I'm tired and grumpy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Backpacks in a tiny house

So, I have a tiny house. Less than 1200 sqft for the 6 of us. My dream is to have a mud room for stuff like this, but let's get real here. No floor space and even less wall space. What is left? Why the doors, of course! Let's go vertical.

I bought this rack (it's an elastic strap with hooks, really) a couple months ago and it has been wonderful!!

My kids actually use it, too, which is half the battle with any new system. Try it!

For more WFMW ideas, visit Rocks in my Dryer.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Teaching moments

Yesterday was a unique day. As we continued reflecting on the prophet's life as a family there were many special moments.

First of all, I was with my boys at my mom's house when we found out. So I was surprised to hear my daughter walk up to the special edition newspaper in the morning and say "President Hinckley!....President Hinckley died...."

Oh! I didn't know daddy had told her. So ...

I said: Yes, he did. He was very old.
Princess: Yeah, he was two.
Me: Well, he was a lot older than two. But we will have a new prophet soon.
Princess: Yeah! We will have a new President Hinckley!

How profound that was to me. Yes, we will have a new leader in a few days, who will add his own personality and strengths to the office. But he will not replace who we lost. We will never have another Gordon B Hinckley. I think he was one of a kind.

Potter and Bugs wrote in their journals yesterday and were very sincere and thoughtful as they expressed their feelings. Potter's brought me to tears with how beautiful it was. He was quite emotional throughout the day and I just let him know it's ok and normal to be sad when we lose someone special.

At Family Night last night, the circumstances prompted amazing discussions on the priesthood, the order of the authority of the Church, the pre and post life, and other things. It was very special. Strider asked me to say the closing prayer and I cried through it somewhat. The spirit was strong, and as we finished, everyone just sat there in silence for about 2 minutes. Yes, my kids were silent. And still. For more than two seconds. It was an amazing feeling. I had to thank Heavenly Father last night for the chance to teach my children. I feel like I was born to do it.

This is the view out my front window this morning. I love when stark white mountains meet blue skies. Yesterday we were whalloped with a storm, fast and hard. Today, though, the sun is bright and the sky is clear. I feel like it represents the prophet's exit from this life. How happy I am to know that death is just a curtain and the sky is SO bright on the other side.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday: Meatball Subs, baked fries, applesauce
Tuesday: Kielbasa w/ cabbage
Wednesday: Pizza Pasta
Thursday: Tortilla Soup
Friday: Date night, kids to their aunt
Saturday: Chicken tenders, mac 'n cheese
Sunday: Dinner at moms YAY!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

President Hinckley 1910-2008

Our beloved prophet and president of the Church has passed away. I never met him, never shook his hand. But I loved him.

My kids were watching a movie tonight when we got word. I had them shut it off and told them the news. The oldest two got choked up and we sat there quietly for a few moments. It brought back memories of when my mom came to me as a girl and told me that President Kimball had died. He was the only prophet I had ever known, just like my kids will always remember President Hinckey as "their" prophet.

I will miss him and I feel sad, but he is now reunited with his dear wife in heaven. I pray that his family may find comfort in knowing that all is well. I hope I can follow the example of his exemplary life.

GO Jazz GO

We got to go to the Utah Jazz game on Friday, where we beat the Kings. It was great fun!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Boy Laundry

Well, I have three boys. If you didn't know that by the noise that emanates from this home, maybe all the sticks, bikes, rocks and lightsabers lying around will clue you in. I know it's a house full of boys when I do my laundry. Oh BOY, literally.

This is a snapshot of what was found at the bottom of the washing machine after a load from Potter/Bugs' room.

Yes, that's a flashlight. And a spy decoder pen. And a crayon, dinosaur, pencil and various wrappers and such.

Guess what? The flashlight works.

Resolutions, anyone?

How are we doing, folks? Is all the newness gone? Enthusiasm waning?

Mine are coming along pretty nicely. My daily routines have brought a needed structure to my stay-at-home haze. I actually look forward to those things I have to do in the home. I love that it gives me an "I'm done for the day" feeling, because that's one of my biggest struggles in "working" for my family. I'm never done. The laundry and dishes are never done.

But this way, I can do my daily chores and take time for myself without feeling guilty. Ok, as guilty. But I do like this so far.

Here's what I've accomplished or am currently working on:

2008 Goals

-drink water before meals
-eat breakfast
-get ready every day
-read the Book of Mormon every day
-pray morning and night on my knees
-read BOM one time before Stake Conference (I'm in Jacob 4)
-love my callings no matter what they are
-finish at least one book every month (read -Paradox of Choice)
-show examples of kindness and charity to my family
-stay positive
-establish daily and weekly schedules that work
-treat my home with pride
-invite the spirit by making the living room a haven and a peaceful place
-do the dishes before bed

I feel like my life is back on track and it's a great feeling. And it's about time. I'd like to add in a few more to focus on in Feb; probably scrapbooking. How are you doing with your goals?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wheel of Fortune

I love me a good round of Wheel.

Love it. Rarely watch it, though, because I forget how much I love it. But I do.

Last night between American Idol commercials I was flipping around our plethora of non-cable channels and found Vanna. Category? Around the House.

Here was the board:

__N L__A D__N G
T H __
D __ __ H W A __ H __ R

The next person chose "S", leaving:

__N L__A D__N G
T H __
D __ S H W A S H __ R

What does she guess? Why, "EMPTYING the DISHWASHER", of course! I was laughing so hard I had to call my almost 10 year old in just to verify the craziest answer ever given on a game show. LOL!!!!

And the other funny of the day:
Princess was playing yesterday and started singing. She does that a lot, but I got closer and heard it was a primary song from church. I'm thinking "How Cute"!!...

I hear:

"I love to see the Temple, I'm going there someday,
To feel the Holy Spee-rit, to listen and to pray.
For the Temple is a house of God, a place of love and buu-ty,
I'll prepare myself while Yum-Yum-Yum, this is my sacred dooo-ty"

I really think she believes those are the words.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hiatus and laughing my eyeballs out

Well, I'm back. Fun weekend. I know you were rabid and checking
every day to see if I was still alive.

I was just thinking about all you guys...during my little catnap there a second ago. Didn't last too long. Seems in the 10 min that I closed my eyes with the newly potty trained princess in her little nap, she peed all over me (and, AHEM, my bed). Nice.

So I had to get up and change anyway, so why not blog, right?

Princess? Well, she is still sleeping. I slipped a towel under her and let her be. You think I'm crazy? I'm not going to lose an outfit, a set of sheets AND my bloggy time all in one shot!!

We played a lot this weekend. So fun to bring out the board games, and go nowhere. Especially in all the snow and cold anyway. Strider was off for the holiday and I made him promise to bust out the ol' "Honey Do List", but sadly we only accomplished one thing on it. No matter, we had a ton of fun together.

I have a new obsession. My sis brought over a DVD on Sunday and forced me to watch introduced me to a comedian, Brian Regan. Oh. My. Heck.

For starters, I am a total comedy junkie. In college my gal pals and I financially backed BYU's 'The Garrens'. Yeah 1993 and $1 per show, baby. Strider and I crave things like "Whose Line is it Anyway", but nothing is funny and clean anymore. We have seen Johnny Biscuit in concert and have rented every LDS comedian that the library offers, but it's never enough.

Brian Regan is not LDS (I don't think) but he is clean and freaking funny. My cheeks hurt from laughing. SO of course I had to get on YouTube and watch every clip they have of him over the next 24 hours. Check him out. And I knew it was bad when Potter came in after playing in the snow yesterday and said "mom, do you EVER stop watching Brian Regan"?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Where there's smoke...

Brrrr it's cold here. For all you locals, you already know that, as your dog's paws are probably frostbitten and maybe your pipes are bursting.

Jedi, Princess and I headed out to a close-out store today for a little shopping errand. We did well and they got along great.
When we got in the car it was 18 degrees at 10 am, and Princess gave me a great bloggy line for the day. "Mom, there's smoke coming out of me"!!!

P.S. Can you tell me why there were 6 pics of a lightsaber on my camera when I sat down to upload?

Done. I think.

With the addition of the clearance chair and the cute homey kitchen, I think my redecorating endeavor is complete. I am really happy with the few changes we've made and I felt like sharing a couple more pics.

I changed things around on my shelves in the living room. And no, the shelf is not curved. I have no idea why it appears that way.
Isn't this the cutest teapot ever? Ikea for 3-something dollars
And the kitchen cupboards are no longer naked. I'm not showing you the other side, because that would be the ugly crockpot/roaster/griddle/quesadilla maker storage area.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


What's on your list today?

vacuum living room & stairs
clean bathroom
read 2 Ne chapter 10
go thru magazines from Dec and pass on to a friend
deliver primary Great to be 8 invites
schedule VT
read the paper
host playdate for Jedi
finish folding laundry from Monday (sheesh!)
make muffins for the poor starving children to nosh after school
call library about the movie they say is overdue that I turned in last Sat (Grrrr)
plan errands for tomorrow (if dh gets me gas)

Thanks, Mom

My mom called the other night...
"Um, what was that chair you had on your Christmas wishlist"?

I started to describe it to her. (I had put it on my wishlist about 5 minutes before finding out they weren't selling them anymore).

Mom says, "Well, I'm sitting in it right now. It's on clearance, and so is the ottoman".

Woah. Quick conference with DH and we decide to jump on it. We were saving up for another chair we had found that was $ 300, and we had $105 saved so far. He grabbed that money and ran down to the store before they closed.
Chair 70% off: 69.99
Ottoman 80% off: 29.99
Total with tax: 106.78

Faux leather (AKA easy to clean with kiddos) and the storage ottoman houses all our family scripture cases with room to spare.
Cool, cool beans. Looks mighty nice in the empty spot!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

You oughta be in pictures

WAY cool email today! Back in November I read a notice from Latter-Day Village (an LDS website) that they were looking for photo submissions for their monthly Primary posters showing the various themes and scriptures. I submitted a few of my kids doing "righteous" things (it was a bit of a search) and lo and behold I got an email today saying they had used one.

Look at MAY 2008....

I just think that's cool. And I know, it's loosely based on my kids. If you saw it up close, like in the high resolution version in my email, you'd know that if you didn't know it was them you wouldn't know it was them. But still.

And that's their new baby cousin born in October, by the way.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Beef Stew in the crockpot, making snow ice cream for Family Night treat
Tuesday: Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken with rice & broccoli
Wednesday: Breakfast for supper (pancakes, eggs, sausage, OJ)
Thursday: Tuna Sandwiches, chips, applesauce
Friday: Chicken salad
Saturday: Spaghetti and garlic bread
Sunday: Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken

4-6 pieces of chicken (thawed or frozen)
1 cup brown sugar
2/3 cup vinegar
1/4 cup lemon/lime soda
2-3 tablespoons minced garlic
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon pepper

Place chicken in crock pot. Mix all ingredients in bowl. Pour over chicken. Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours.

Weekend Words of 2-yr old Wisdom

Friday at lunch...
"Mom! Forks are for eating and spoons are for yogurt!!"

During the Sacrament yesterday...
"Let's say good-bye to Jesus and go to nursery".

About 20 min after we got home from church yesterday...
"Mom, thanks for getting me home!"

do I usually leave her there?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

How are those resolutions going??

Officially a week into the new are things going for you?

I am thrilled with the changes I've made. I plan on finishing my first book of the year in the next week. My dishes are done nearly every night. My time is spent picking up one space at a time instead of being overwhelmed at all that needs done. The best thing is my routine. My house is cleaner, my personal study is a priority, so it's done sooner in the day and overall I am very happy.

I need to work on drinking more water and being a little more kind next.

I leave you with a couple birthday pics...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wipe away a tear

My little bro broke his hand in two places at practice yesterday. The state finals are in 34 days. Let's all hope for the best.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Sweetie, and a gift for me

Hubby is 33 today. Shhhh..did I just say that?

I thought I'd shake it up a bit with a new look. Feedback is appreciated. I found an overwhelming site (banner at top) with a gazillion free template choices so you may see a new look every day. Ok, not quite, but it's WAY fun and sorta like my birthday, too.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's something in the water

Today officially starts the birthday marathon in our family. Happy Birthday to Wendy, Dear Hubs, and Aidan this week....and many more through the first week of March. We have nine in under two months.

Have a great day, you all. I love you!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Saturday Family Fun

What is that? Just the door jamb to the bathroom. Hubby had to kick in the door to rescue the 5 yr old and 2 yr old. No biggie.

What do you mean, the lock won't turn? And who the heck designs a doorknob with the screws on the inside?...(quotes from hubby)

Yes, this is the same doorknob I personally replaced about a month ago after the older boys broke that one. Yes, that was the same way this problem happened.

You see, my kids enjoy this little house we're in. The only problem is that when you're mad at someone or when you steal their stuff and run away, there aren't very many places to hide.

What's the best solution? Why, run into the bathroom and barricade yourself while breaking locks and listening to mom yell, of course!

The last time they broke it, the handle would no longer latch, so for about a week we had to move the step stool in front of the door to take a shower without an audience.

This time was even more fun. The 5 yr old (culprit) and 2 yr old were stuck in the bathroom because the mad 8 yr old on the outside of the door broke the lock inside the handle and it was locked tight. It seems a butter knife is an inefficient tool to use when breaking into your brother's barricade to retreive your stolen stuff.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy Dance

I got me some toys today. Yippee shopping trip. For starters, the little ones and I did a five stop errand run in 90 min, which was awesome. And I didn't get irritated with them till the drive home. I think DS3 saved up all his "pester-my-little-sister" -ness till we finished the last store, which is actually a miracle.

But boy, did I have a great time. One of the things my mom gave me for Christmas was a visa gift card, good anywhere. I was able to buy a pair of jeans and pair of khakis with it last week, decorations to round out my kitchen at IKEA over the weekend, and today had enough left to buy the fancy schmancy thing I've had my eye on for a while.

Ooooh baby. A Crop-a-dile. Can't wait to bust out that puppy. Yay for 50% off coupons.

And then I headed to the thrift store to return something and look at some stuff DH needs for his classroom. I suppose I timed it just right, because I was right there in the aisle when they pulled out the cart of new goodies (where all the vultures stand, killing each other like it's Black Friday). I just glanced at the cart on my way somewhere else. Then I saw it, down on the bottom, not yet noticed by the birds of prey.

A pasta maker. My very own. Made in Italy. I've wanted one for a very long time, always searching classifieds and occasionally asking on Freecycle. Never any luck. My price limit for a used one was $10. This was......drumroll..... $1.50.

Like I said, Happy Dance.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Let's start great in 2008

I read this on a favorite site of mine, and I'll post the whole thing here because it might as well be me talking...

"Now that the craziness is behind us it’s time to to get our homes back into some kind of order and create or re-establish our routines. I find though that I often procrastinate the most when I get overwhelmed and stressed over how much needs to be done. It’s at times like these that I have to stop focusing on the big picture, break the tasks down into small manageable steps and just do the “next thing”. It’s the only way I know how to avoid the negative thoughts that threaten to overtake and consume me causing me to not only get further behind but even more overwhelmed. It’s the “small things” that lead to things getting done one task at a time creating a sense of accomplishment that fuels continuation and fosters self-discipline".

That said, here is my list of goals for the year now before us. I said list for the year, people. This does not mean that I woke up yesterday morning and did all these things. This is a list of things I'd like to continue, things I want to begin, and things I want to be more aware of this year. Hopefully by next December I will be a better person than I am today and this list, if reviewed often, should help me get there.

2008 Goals

-drink water before meals
-eat breakfast (mostly high fiber cereal)
-no eating after 9pm
-walk to kindergarten once a week
-get ready every day, both to feel better and for my husband

-read the Book of Mormon every day
-pray morning and night on my knees
-read BOM one time before Stake Conference
-read words of the Savior from NT daily
-use Sundays or downtime to read Ensign or RS lessons
-be a better VT by setting the meeting time early in month
-love my callings no matter what they are; serve cheerfully

-have each member of our families over for dinner once
-keep note cards with me so I can contact others easily
-buy stamps and send Christmas cards early

-finish at least one book every month
-balance between fiction and non-fiction
-establish a budget and track spending

-show examples of kindness and charity to my family
-encourage and expect kindness from the children
-curb criticism and stay positive
-stop pretending to be a scrapbooker and BE one
-finish infant scrapbooks for every child
-organize pictures better so that I can scrapbook faster

-establish daily and weekly schedules that work
-use a home management notebook and treat my home with pride
-teach kids to be responsible through chores
-invite the spirit by making the living room a haven and a peaceful place
-do the dishes before bed so my day can begin on a good note
-keep the sink clean

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Going, Going, Gone

The kids wanted SO badly to stay up till midnight.

DD was first, this was at 11:25, when she left the movie the boys had on and asked to go to bed.

This was 11:50. DS3 (the denim butt on the middle couch cushion) ALMOST made it.

And the older two were up till almost 1am. DS2 saw the ball drop for his very first time, and they both got to share the Martinelli's with mom and dad.

Happy 2008 to all. I have been so blessed this year, much more than I deserve and beyond what I ever ask for.

Happy Holidays

What a teriffic time we have had lately as a family! Nothing to write a "what did I do over Christmas break" paper about, but just nice, quality, don't-have-to-go-anywhere down time.

The kids absolutely loved having daddy around always. And I expected to be put out by his knack for destroying the "schedule" around here, but I wasn't annoyed by him at all. Not even once. It was really wonderful.

We played tons of games (which we never have time for). We joked and watched movies and visited family. We ate too much, we laughed even more.

This is one of the boys in the school Christmas program. DH has never been able to go, but was home for it this year.

After Santa left...

I love the pictures of the boys' faces in these moments of wonder. Christmas morning as a parent is awesome.

And yes, dd played with that doll house endlessly. I could barely pull her away from it after over 2 hours straight. The only thing that caught her attention was when I said "We need to go to Grandma's now. I think she has another present for you."