I am really good at: math
I like to: swim and play with water
My favorite thing to learn at school: science
1 person who makes me laugh: my dad
One word that describes me: talkative
I am really happy when: my dad does things with me
I am really sad when: I am left out of things
My favorite book: Leven Thumps
My favorite TV show: Suite Life
My favorite vacation: Idaho
I like school when: we have P.E.
I don't like school when: a lot of people talk and we have extra assignments
My favorite season: fall
My favorite toy: PSP
My worst nightmare: my dad got his leg cut off
Things that make me mad: when my brothers hit me
Favorite sport: football
I like my Dad because: he is funny
I like my Mom because: she cooks for me
I like my family because: they love me