Some thoughts running through my head today.
1. Three sick boys today. All varying symptoms; weird.
2. I splurged last week and bought a pair of jeans and a couple tops for myself. New clothes feel fantastic. I haven't bought jeans in years! Of course I
need to hem them, but they were a great price, even if that meant they didn't have my exact inseam.
3. So thrilled that BYU and the Utah Jazz are both clicking and their seasons are looking much better. If you know me, you know good sports bring me MUCH happiness.
4. Hubby and I went on a real date over the weekend. Oh, I miss those! It was fun to head downtown, just the two of us.
5. Don't you hate it when you decide it's time to get your haircut because it's totally bugging you, and then it starts to have a few great hair days and you second guess your decision? Or maybe it's just my hair.
6. Stop reading if you don't want the cheesy stuff. I seriously have the best husband in the world. My heart positively sings when he comes to me in the kitchen and says "What can I help you with?" or pokes his head in the primary room (where I spend all my time in church) just to blow me a kiss. I love, love, love him and I never thought marriage could be so grand. We are M.F.E.O. (Sleepless in Seattle reference)
7. I have a real problem with all the Christmas lights on already. Stuff in the stores? fine. Shopping early? fine. But two weeks after Halloween I am not comfortable driving home from Grandma's and looking at twinkle lights in the neighborhoods. I just barely tossed the pumpkins in today's trash.
8. I have rediscovered my reading passion in the last two or three months. I have read more books since summer than I have in the last two years. Love the escape it gives me. I had a great imagination as a kid, but that easily gets lost in the day in and day out practicality that life requires. Reading reminds me to think and dream and imagine.
9. I don't like stuff. I have been paring down, decluttering, donating. The thought of Christmas and all it's associated mess right around the corner makes me feel nauseous. I love the holidays -I just hate a lot of what we have made them into.
10. I don't have a #10. It just seemed strange to end at 9.