Friday, May 20, 2011

T-shirt fix

2 year old found the scissors.

Can you see it?

An inch long slice in the center of the tee (how did she not get her skin??)

I freehanded a flower shape out of scrap fabric and cut it out

and ironed some hem tape to the back to keep it in place while I sewed a zig zag around it.

Applique for a toddler oops!

For what it's worth, I took an adorable pic of my Rosebud wearing it yesterday, but it appears to have vanished off the camera :/ and the shirt is in the wash so I can't get another at the moment.

 Linking to:

Nothing But Country

Craft DIY Ideas


  1. wow- you continue to amaze me with your talents!

  2. Very cute! At least it wasn't her hair! I am your newest follower. I would love it if you came over to Greetings From the Asylum and followed me too!

  3. Your flower is adorable, and I love how it frayed just a tiny bit - looks so fashionable!
    Thanks for linking up!


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