Thursday, October 27, 2011


My sister does posts every so often that she calls "Awesome" posts.  She writes down blessings that give her perspective and that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Here is mine for today:

*A simple lunch date with the toddler today.  We used coupons and both ate for $3 something total.

*My son finding his uniform socks, finally.  After endless searching and a couple prayers.  I was getting ready to ask the coach how we could purchase more.

*A clean van

*The library storytime lady that told me how cute Rosebud's costume was today, when I was feeling like a heel for not buying any new ones this year. 

 * It's super cold today, but the sun is shining.

*Finding out what everyone loves about Hilary Weeks. I am not much of a "Deseret Book music" type of girl, but this isn't church music as much as it is the inspirational type.  Man alive, I am quickly falling in love with her songs like "That's who I am" and "Past the Point" and "Dancing in the Rain".  She is amazing at pinpointing the feelings of doubt that can lead to wanting to give up in the face of trials.  Then she writes about the strength to overcome.  It's just beautiful.

* A husband that works every day with a smile on his face.  I let plenty of days go by without cleaning the house like I should, but he never slacks at his work, ever.

*Convenience foods in the freezer.  Not the healthiest, but during football craziness, what else can I do?

*Being able to renew library items online.  I forgot to take the movies with me today and did not want to make a trip back to return them.

*Borrowed extra cell phone from my mom during musical rehearsal season.  Potter can actually stay in touch with me after school.  Huge blessing.


  1. I love love love being able to renew library items on line. Somehow though I still have some late fees.. but not as many!
    Great thoughts! And I didn't buy new costumes either.

  2. It's so fun to see what sorts of things are "awesome" in other people's lives. It helps me recognize even more of the small blessings in my own.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!