Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Master bedroom lamp updating

A week and a half ago we changed around the bedroom furniture on a whim.  In the process I realized how ugly the lamps were looking.

I still have a little bit of birthday money left, and after buying a flip camcorder (yay!), some shoes and a pair of pants, I wanted something decorative.

Since my living room wishes are taking a hiatus till spring, I decided to grab these lampshades when I found them for 60% off last week. I showed them to my sister in the sale ad. When she saw how perfectly they matched my bedroom she said "you HAVE to get them". So I did :)

(ick! I promise the walls are not the color of vomit)

After some gorgeous $7.99 lampshades:

Isn't birthday money the greatest?!  I feel like a queen for a whole month while I think of how to spend it.


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