Wednesday, November 28, 2012

High School Musical Jr

 You've heard me talk about our great experience with the musical this year.  Here are the photos to go along with it.
 Bugs is the crouching jock with white shoes.  Potter is the 'coach' in the white shirt.

Bugs was super happy to get exposure to theatre.  He did great!

Luckily, a friend with a great camera came on closing night and surprised us last week with these nice action shots. 




The depth of his emotion in acting astounds me.  He is truly gifted.

I cried every night as I watched my boys do something so great.
 Behind the scenes a bit:

 Our beloved Mrs Parker.  Love working with her.
(Bugs was already in the dressing room, dang it)
Hooray for another year of theatre!  Thanks to all the family members and friends who were in town and could support us.  We love you!


  1. You can tell his depth of character because he is scowling in every action shot, then his real personality is smiling and being goofy in every behind the scenes shot. Love your boys!

  2. You have some very handsome and talented young men in your family. Looks like a blast.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing these pieces of the show! I wish so badly I could have seen it. They're both such neat boys.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!