Thursday, June 20, 2013

Room by room - dining room

I have decided to bounce around and show progress of different spaces that we're working on in the new house.

  After getting the table positioned in the dining room I decided on big plans for this lonely little corner.

I had Strider take these fragile boxes personally (not on the moving truck) to the house in their own special trip.  I am really excited about the prospect of having my wedding china out where it's usable instead of boxed up in a crawl space!  I still remember the day we (I) picked them out.  Greenbrier by Noritake.  Ahhhhh, hello lovely.  We registered for 8 settings.  We received 6 place settings for our wedding, and were able to afford just one more on our own.  Grand total of 7.  They were $50 ea in 1996.  :(

BUT a years ago I stumbled upon an Ebay auction for 16 unopened place settings of our (now retired) pattern at a killer price.  I snatched them right up.  Yes, folks.  I now have service for 23!  They deserve a proper home, dontcha think?

After much searching in the classifieds, and finding WAY too high of prices, I found this great piece -  an oak  corner china cabinet.  The seller listed it for $27.  I thought maybe it was a typo, and she meant $270.  Nope.

Strider picked it up for me and the lady only asked for $20!  Twenty buckeroos.

Jedi and Bugs helped me paint.  Strider added a top coat.

5 cans of Canyon Black spray paint later?  Awesomeness!

Linking up with

Organizing Homelife


  1. Oh, Jen! How fun! I just recently acquired a china cabinet for my house and finally get to display my china too. I have Sweet Leilani by Noritake. I love to just admire it every time I walk by now. ;) I'm sure you will too!

  2. That is AMAZING. What you did to it! The price! The china. I love that you make such great things without spending a fortune. You inspire me.

  3. That makes me nervous to look at. But it's beautiful :)


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