Sunday, June 30, 2013

Room by room - laundry

My laundry room is one of my favorite features.  It has a large counter which is wonderful, plus many storage cupboards.  So many that I don't even use them all (yet).  Crazy, huh?

Here is a shot of the laundry room from the kitchen doorway. Gotta love the kids' bins, eh?  Easiest system for me.

I found a cute lamp at the thrift store last week and it was in perfect condition.  I thought it looked good in this corner.  Then I went shopping in Salt Lake after some errands we had and I fell in love with this "We are blessed" piece at Hobby Lobby.  But it was like $17 or something so I didn't get it.

The next day I ran into Ross to look for shoes for Strider and on my way to the shoe section I stopped dead in my tracks.  There was the same "we are blessed" thing for $4.99.  Yippeeeee!  No other saying is more appropriate for how we feel right now. 

Here is the other side.  Kinda boring.  Any ideas?  I want to add a rod of some sort for my clothes that need air dried.  Still figuring things out.  Pinterest maybe?


  1. This is nice information blog. Thanks for Sharing.

  2. You can add a vinyl saying to your wall!!
    you can make it LARGE or even lots of words smaller. I LOVE vinyl though!

  3. All of that storage and all those windows are fantastic!


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