Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hoppy day!

We had to wait a day for Strider to get back into town, but now the excitement can begin.

We got bunnies!

Naming them was serious business.  An entire family meeting was devoted to the subject, followed by passionate votes.

In the end, Foo Foo and Honey Bun won.

When calm, they both love to be petted.  Foo Foo doesn't mind being held.  Honey Bun isn't a fan yet but she's learning to trust us.  Foo Foo loves me and if I just sit in the grass she'll nuzzle my arm or lay down next to me.

This is usually what Honey Bun tries to do around the kids :)

This is truly exciting and quite out of character for us.  But it's been such a fun experience!


  1. So cool! Can't wait to meet them.

  2. My kids want bunnies. I'm not so sure. They have to wait till I'm done school and we move. So let keep me updated and if you still like them in a year maybe I'll consider it.


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