Monday, January 26, 2015

A place to hang the stockings

For the longest time I have wanted a fireplace. A place to get cozy, a mantle to decorate, a home for the stockings.  I have spent 19 Christmases wishing I had a spot for our stockings. This house is old enough. You'd definitely expect a fireplace. Not so.

Strider surprised me just before Christmas when he said to pick one out and get it ordered.  Oh my!!!

We chose a corner gel fuel model. It fits nicely in our dining room in the same corner as the silhouettes, but isn't anchored to anything so we have the option of moving it around if we choose.  (As for the wall, I don't know if I should leave the frames there or not. From the table they look odd, but from the living room I like it).

The sad thing was that the one we wanted was out of stock till just after New Year's. Dang!!  But I have enjoyed putting up my first decorations on it this week.

Happy Valentine's Day! And next Christmas we'll finally have a place for those 7 stockings.


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