Tuesday, October 9, 2012

On my mind today

I feel like all I have been doing is posting a travelogue, when this blog used to be about my thoughts and parenting and my latest crafty creation.


Well life has bit me in the rear end lately and the time I used to take for granted isn't there anymore.  Parenting that used to be done casually now needs to be planned and perfectly purposeful.  Crafts are - well - sadly nonexistent.

But here are a few thoughts and to-do's swirling in my head:

-General Conference for our church was this weekend.  I received many wonderful words of counsel and wisdom.  I will try my best to be better and make some self improvements.

-I complain a teeny bit about helping with props for the jr high musical, but I secretly love it.  I like being needed and working on something challenging but doable.

-Last week marked the 20th anniversary of my first date with Strider.  He went above and beyond with a thorough recreation of that original date and earned major brownie points.  So cute!

-I went to a PTA meeting this morning and actually enjoyed myself.  Is that supposed to happen?

- I just saw that today is $2 Tuesday at Gardner Village.  I may take the girls down for a pony ride while the boys are at scouts.

-Jedi is really working hard at mastering his new heavy homework load and rigorous schedule.  Last night his math was down to 45 minutes and at the height it had been taking him 2 hours!  He's making great progress.

-Speaking of 'challenging but doable', I am totally not hacking it in my newest online BYU class: Western Humanities.  I wish I could attend in person.  I think it's really a subject that would be better to have a lecture for (not that I have the time for that).  I have no grade in there yet because I am stuck on lesson 2 and the first paper is due in lesson 3, but I feel lost.

-Homework kills me.  Not mine, theirs.  I feel like Strider and I are classroom aides as we run from child to child during the evening homework time answering questions. 

-I want the election to be over already.  I am not overly political, but it gives me anxiety to keep observing the tennis match in both local and presidential races.  Let's vote, so that I can get used to who I have to support for the next term.

-I am super excited for Potter and Bugs and their musical in a month.  Like, really really excited.

-I am almost sad that Princess is in her last week of soccer.  It went too fast!

-I want to put Rosebud in dance again.  Trying to make that happen.

-We have been out of printer ink since spring.  Yeah, I'm serious.  I can't put it off any longer though.  Bugs has a paper due on Friday (in band, no less.  Band.  I took band for 10 years and never wrote a paper).

- I bought the cutest shoes last week with some birthday money.  I need to grab some jewelry to go with them I think.  Have you heard of Paparazzi?  Only $5 per piece!  I am trying them.

-Kids are so dang much work.  For real!  Oh I wish I were a wise parent and could make the right decisions as I go.  Instead I bumble around and stumble over myself and my methods and who the heck knows if I am doing more good than harm.  I pray every day that I can do it right.  Till then I hope my kids are resilient and that they will come out of this learning period on both feet!



  1. I am feeling a lot of what you are feeling. And I hope and pray that I am doing right with my kids. It's tough to not get down on yourself about it. Congrats on the 20 year anniversary. It goes by fast, doesn't it? I looked at the site for Paparrazi and I'm interested in coming to a party if you ever host one (like you really have time to do that), but I would be interested in seeing their stuff. Sounds like you are waaay busy, so hang in there and keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Michelle! I think you're doing a great job as a mom. My neighbor does Paparazzi so I will let you know my review after I get some.

  2. Love your thoughts. Who has band papers? Wow. So glad we haven't reached the homework stage yet. I so wish kids came with a manual! I recently read The Entitlement Trap. Had some good ideas I want to do, but just need time to get it going. I want to see your cute shoes. And what a sweet dh you have!

  3. Ditto to almost everything you said :) We will SURVIVE...right?

  4. Love you, Jen! P.S. I want to know about Paparazzi, but the link is dead. Suggestions? I feel like just googling "paparazzi" might not be helpful.

    1. Darn, really? Try Paparazzi Accessories or paparazzi jewelry. It's sold through parties and imdependent consultants.

  5. I totally agree with you about the election. I'm so tired of all of the crap being posted, and I just want it to be over!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!