Friday, August 2, 2013

Just 5 min

If you drive up the canyon just five minutes beyond where we live, there is a reservoir.

It's known for fishing, so there aren't a ton of beaches.  But that also means there aren't a ton of swimmers.  We went today for the first time and we were the only ones on the beach for most of our time there.

 It was super hot and sunny, so the kids welcomed the chance to cool down.

 Rocky sand, but still capable of making mounds and walls and pools in.

And as I sat there from my towel on the beach (with my umbrella, thankyouverymuch) I could not get over how pretty the sky was.

 It was quiet, too.  Only two boats plus two canoes on the whole lake.

The clouds were puffy, the gulls and other water birds were swooping and soaring around.

 I brought a book, but I never even opened it.  It was a great day.

I'm thankful to live in this great state, with may outdoor recreation options available.  We'll have to visit here more often.


  1. These photos are beautiful!! I love it! 5 minutes away, what a real treat!!

  2. I love the pictures of your kids. They looked like they were having a blast!!

  3. That's awesome. I miss your state!!


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