Thursday, January 28, 2010

Operation Reformation update

So far so good.

Things are pretty smooth in our household.

My kids have realized that working quickly = efficiency = more fun time = happy mom.

Seriously, the house is cleaner in less time and my kids have played more together in the last three days than in the last three months.  There is still a bit of fighting in the evenings but I am tickled pink at the progress.  I am really loving this mom thing at the moment!

P.S. My baby is one year old today!  I am amazed.


  1. I love your operation reformation! Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
    So true that we train them.

  2. :)
    and happy birthday baby girl...

  3. way to go jen!! I pulled the "mean mom" card yeasterday and you should have ssen the fear in their eyes. I am sure you are kinder than I am about it. But needless to say. Chores were done,piano practiced, no fighting and out the door by 9! LOVE IT!:)THANKS!!

  4. Oh Pam, you rock! It feels good for sure.

  5. Happy Birthday to your little one!

    Good job on your goals too.


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