Friday, January 22, 2010

On a roll

Somebody stop me. I can't help it.

Hubby left me with a stack of this:

So I made my sister steal borrow my mom's Cricut and I did these:

And the boys are going off track today whch means they will be out of school for Valentine's Day. Sad, huh?

I at least wanted them to remember their teachers, so I took some really ugly matchbook style notepads (.25 for 2) and covered them to make Valentines.

Did I mention they were ugly?

I really like the result.

Phew. It's like scratching an itch, people.


  1. Wow what a CRAFTER!!

    Oh yeah by the way I still have those 2 cartridges that you lent me from your Mom would you like them back for more fun crafty things?

  2. I seriously need to spend some crafty time with you! These all look really fun!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!