Monday, June 28, 2010

Almost done with school

I never have a lot of money to spend on my kids' teachers, but when the end of the year rolls around I am so indebted to them for what they do to help each one of my boys.  I know a personal note means the most anyway, so I made cards this year with some cute clips inside, and room for both me and their student to write them a note.  I am thankful for teachers.  The teachers my kids have had this year have been perfect for them.  Just enough love, just enough toughness.  

Cost: $1 for 32 colored metal binder clips on clearance at Michael's.

Now for the exciting project to share.  My main craft for the end of school has been so fun! After reading this post on my friend Tracy's blog I knew what I should do for Potter who is finishing sixth grade.  What a great time to make him a memory/autograph book.

I had a hard time finding a chipboard book but at Michael's they directed me toward this aisle called Fun Finds where there are $1 packs of chipboard shapes.  They had packs of graduated squares, and I combined the three largest sizes for a tiered look.  The largest is about 7 inches, and I also used the 6.5 and 6 inch ones.

The paper line is Dude, from the Paper Loft. It is the perfect hip boy look.

Just as I was going to go buy some of it, kind Tracy gave me her leftovers and I think I used up every scrap!  The amount was seriously too perfect.

Here is the end result:
Isn't it cool?!

This gives you a better idea of the cover detail

Here you can see the graduated "steps"

And some of the pages:

Here is the back cover where I stuck a denim pocket.  I plan on filling it with some "keep in touch this summer" cards for him to pass out so he can stay in contact with his classmates.

I can't decide when to give it to him; maybe Wed?  I sure hope he likes it.  I absolutely loved putting it together for him.

Cost:  $2 for two packs of chipboard shapes


  1. That turned out great! I bet he will be so happy!

  2. Oh my heck, that looks so nice. I love your cards too. Great job!


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