Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hair today, gone tomorrow

It was time.

Now we're ready for the heat.

And this child and her golden curls - oh my lands.  It kills me!  She has the most gorgeous head of hair.

As she sat on my lap the other night looking at a book, just as the sunset was glaring through the living room, this was my view. 

Pure beauty.

(Um, please pay no attention to the brother apparently streaking by on the way back from the shower.  Thanks.  Hey, at least he had a towel on).


  1. change is so good, even with the hair...makes it exciting and new!!
    As a Mom it is nice to try different looks or styles with a new length too!!

  2. That is really C's hair--ARE YOU KIDDING ME! It has grown that much since I have been gone. I am going to faint!!

  3. haha. love the streaking photo. such real life

  4. Look at her - she is growing up so fast. What a cutie!


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