Monday, June 7, 2010

When it rains, it pours

You know those times when life just lifts you up like a salt shaker and pieces of you go sprinkling everywhere?  You can't really gather them all back into the container.  You just go on. 

The last MIA period was a little hairy but we are through it. 

I am tired of Dr visits and trips to Lowes.  I am tired of realizing every day at 5pm that there's nothing for my family to eat.  And I am tired of wondering every time the phone rings if it's the Health Dept trying to inform me of complaints on the sorry state of my bathroom. 

I think I am emerging from the fog.  Craving routine again!

I will catch up soon.


This is Potter flying his birthday kite from his Aunt during an impromptu picnic dinner at the park last week when I had to either 1) get out of the house, or 2) go mad.  It was incredibly windy and the whole thing went sailing right up on the first try.  He ran out of string or we would still be trying to get the thing out of the sky.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you have had a ruff couple of weeks. It happens to all of us though. I think you are doing an amazing job and you are a great example to me. Hang it there. It can only get go up from here right?


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!