Saturday, February 26, 2011

Recipes from the heart

While looking through a box of candy molds and cake decorating stuff from my mom's garage, I found a folder of recipes. Some were pages ripped from a magazine of something my mom had obviously wanted to try to make sometime. Others were written on scrap pieces of paper and were things we ate often. I loved coming across those memories.

Here is my mom's recipe for her special Broccoli Ham Quiche.  She was picky about the way other people made quiche, so this is specifically the way my family loves it.  I love how it's just scrawled down quickly.  There's not even a title.  But I sure knew what it was when I saw it.

This next one is for Golf Balls, or some people call them Buckeyes, or PB balls.   I smiled at the change from 1/2 to 1 cup of peanut butter.  Was it a mistake, or did she increase it because of our PB insanity?

The last one was a surprise.  A Chocolate Zucchini Cake recipe written in my Grammy's hand.  That's my dad's mom.  And she is writing down a recipe from her husband's mom, my great grandma Brown.  So my mom has this recipe from her mother-in-law from HER mother-in-law.  Cool.

How's that for baking with heart!  Do you have any recipes in a relative's handwriting?


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!