Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Did you like my navy blue mani on Day 13?

I had to celebrate!  As you might have guessed from Day 11, my little brother was in town and we actually got to see him wrestle in the lineup. It was such a fun night.

We were this close, 2nd row. 

Total domination; final score 13-3

Love this kid.  Matt is such a good example to me and my whole family.  He does what's right no matter where and no matter who's watching.

photo by Abby Drey, CDT 

If you are interested about Matt's journey from Iowa State to Africa to Penn State, here's a great feature in the Centre Daily Times:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting pictures and for sharing this article. Confession: I cried! We've always know Matt is an incredible individual and it is so much fun to see others recognizing his amazing talent, strength, and spirit. I feel a little star struck that "I know that guy" and am grateful to have such a star represent our little community. I am so glad you shared!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!