I really read the whole New Testament this year!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Family Fun
I apologize for the absence...
Dh is a teacher, and as such, has this whole holiday time off work. We are PLAYING and enjoying each other, so it's bye-bye till after things are back to a normal routine!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
More favorites
My mom has the wonderful tradition of giving ornaments on Christmas Eve that have special significance from the past year. As I decorate with each of these, the memories of those times in my life come flooding back. Thanks, mom!
This is the lovely one I got in 2005 when my angel joined us. After three boys we never really thought a girl was headed our way, but she is a true joy to us.
We have many family ornaments, this one being DS3 as the new baby.
And Baby Makes 3... My mom is awesome. If she finds the perfect ornament that says the wrong thing, she will paint over it or alter it to say what she wants.This is the year DS1 joined our family.
Hard to see, but it says "Parents-to-
Be" from the year we were pregnant with DS1. I LOVE this one.
This is the lovely one I got in 2005 when my angel joined us. After three boys we never really thought a girl was headed our way, but she is a true joy to us.
We have many family ornaments, this one being DS3 as the new baby.
And Baby Makes 3... My mom is awesome. If she finds the perfect ornament that says the wrong thing, she will paint over it or alter it to say what she wants.This is the year DS1 joined our family.
Hard to see, but it says "Parents-to-
Be" from the year we were pregnant with DS1. I LOVE this one.
Some favorite ornaments
While in high school I was in the 1992 movie WIND, with Jennifer Grey and Matthew Modine. This sailboat reminds me every year.
The year I passed my CNA, I got this nurse ornament.
This is a car to symbolize the year I got my license
This is from the year DH and were still dating.
This is from the year I graduated from high school. Blue and gold are the colors of CHS.
This nativity was given to us by a dear friend last year. It is made from real olive wood.
The year I passed my CNA, I got this nurse ornament.
This is a car to symbolize the year I got my license
This is from the year DH and were still dating.
This is from the year I graduated from high school. Blue and gold are the colors of CHS.
This nativity was given to us by a dear friend last year. It is made from real olive wood.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
too much D-d-d-d-dora
My 2 yr old DD was talking about our black cat Shadow and another black cat she saw today.
I said, "Yes, there are two cats".
She exclaimed, "We found one in the hay field, and one in the barn!!"
Oh brother.
the Red Pinecone Ornament
I want to tell you a story. It's a story of Christmas hope.
When my mom was a girl, their prized Christmas decoration was a red pinecone ornament. It was so well-loved over the years that the red had actually turned sort of brown. Every year, just as some families place the tree topper on very last, the Riley family hung the red pinecone on the tree as the final touch.
When my mom was very young, they went to a movie as a family and they came home to discover their house had suffered a devastating fire in their absence. It was destroyed. The only item my mother remembers salvaging was their special pinecone, now a miraculous symbol of hope and love and renewal.
My grandmother died over a decade ago and when she died she willed the ornament to her youngest daughter, my mom's little sister. My mom has been wondering the whereabouts of it recently and had hoped it was being taken care of. She wanted the story surrounding it to be preserved.
That aunt of mine in Pennsylvania contacted my mom to tell her that someone recently cut the lock on her storage unit and stole most of her belongings, including all her Christmas decorations. How devastating a loss! But then she told my mom...somehow, that little pinecone must have fallen out of its box because it was left behind. Of no value to the burgler, one would never know the significance of that Christmas symbol to the Rileys.
On Sunday we had a special Family Home Evening with my parents. My mom told us this amazing story and presented each of us with our own red pinecone for our trees. It is my new favorite ornament, and I have a LOT of nostalgia on my tree.
I wanted to pass this along to any of you who read my blog so that you may know that you are known by our Heavenly Father. He is aware of you and the happenings in your life, just as he notices each sparrow's fall. Christmas is a reminder of that love and care. I hope you have a merry one.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Frosty the Snowbug
I forgot to tell you the funny thing that happened last week. When we brought our tree home, we had a stowaway.
Now, I'm pretty sure that tree was outside for a LONG time before we got it. In snow. And rain. And I think it's awesome that we had a new little friend. He was happily hanging out on walls and curtains till a few days ago, too. We haven't seen him since Monday.
And, my other brother and my BIL both gradutate from Weber State today! Congrats!
While browsing my well-loved-blogs I came across one I don't subscribe to, and so I forget to check it. Confessions of a Pioneer Woman is a great read. And a great look, too. Her photography of her ranch blows me away. You must check it out. And today's muffins are defnitely going on my "need-to-try" list.
Stay warm everybody. I will spend the afternoon today at the doctors, and the afternoon tomorrow at the dreaded work party.
Now, I'm pretty sure that tree was outside for a LONG time before we got it. In snow. And rain. And I think it's awesome that we had a new little friend. He was happily hanging out on walls and curtains till a few days ago, too. We haven't seen him since Monday.
And, my other brother and my BIL both gradutate from Weber State today! Congrats!
While browsing my well-loved-blogs I came across one I don't subscribe to, and so I forget to check it. Confessions of a Pioneer Woman is a great read. And a great look, too. Her photography of her ranch blows me away. You must check it out. And today's muffins are defnitely going on my "need-to-try" list.
Stay warm everybody. I will spend the afternoon today at the doctors, and the afternoon tomorrow at the dreaded work party.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
My Brother
Alma 48:17 "Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men".
There is nothing else that comes to mind when I think of my little brother than this scripture. If anyone's name can be substituted for Moroni's, his can.
He is the first one to offer assistance, the last one to think of self. He is the first to say thanks, the last one to leave. He is the first to say "love ya" and the last one to seek the spotlight, even though he is in it continually.
Thanks, buddy, for being my giant of a little brother.
If you're interested, you can watch a video of him wrestling. Click on the video on the right side of the page.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Baking Night
We had a family activity that was scheduled for tonight but was moved to a different day, so we have a free night! Well, DH has to be at the church, but the rest of us have a free night!
My baby sis is coming over to work on the computer and the kiddos and I will start some treat-making. I think they will have fun with these.
And if I feel adventurous, I may try these.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like...
Christmas! Wouldn't you know it?!
1. It's below freezing all week, so the snow from Friday is here to stay.
2. My kids are pestering each other more than normal, despite Santa nearing.
3. I, not usually one to make too many treats at Christmastime, was giddy as I planned my baking list today.
4. The shopping is done.
5. The tree not only smells great, but it's up and decorated!

It must be here and I am truly feeling it now.
1. It's below freezing all week, so the snow from Friday is here to stay.
2. My kids are pestering each other more than normal, despite Santa nearing.
3. I, not usually one to make too many treats at Christmastime, was giddy as I planned my baking list today.
4. The shopping is done.
5. The tree not only smells great, but it's up and decorated!

It must be here and I am truly feeling it now.
Ward Party
I was in charge of a good portion of our ward Christmas party this year. I borrowed most of the decorations from my home ward and had to buy very little, which was nice. Everything was red and white, and those are giant starlight mints on the walls.
It seems like everyone had a nice time and I was pleased with how everything turned out. Above, you can see all three boys in the nativity play, with DS1 as Joseph, DS2 as a Wise Man and DS3 a shepherd.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Status of the to-do list so far...
*find and buy a tree (one that smells this year)*get a wreath on my naked front door
*put out at least a few decorations so my kids will know what month it is
*begin wrapping the gifts I have
*keep reminding myself that I'm pretty much done shopping and should stop picking up cute pink things
*start getting small items for stockings
*decide which gift to give DH now, and which to hold for his Jan b-day
*borrow peppermint decorations for our ward party on Sat
*check on entertainment people for the ward party
*make dinner tonight for a new mom/baby in the ward
*coordinate monthly calendar of family stuff/work stuff with the ward stuff we also have going on
*get Christmas crafts ready for our Activity Day party tomorrow
*get gifts ready to give the girls
*write a lame email Christmas card since I'm too cheap to buy stamps this year
*send out a few real cards for those loved ones without email
*figure out what goodies to bake with my sisters on our baking night
*try to find a night when everyone is free for visiting teaching. yeah right.
*find and buy a tree (one that smells this year)*get a wreath on my naked front door
*put out at least a few decorations so my kids will know what month it is
*begin wrapping the gifts I have
*keep reminding myself that I'm pretty much done shopping and should stop picking up cute pink things
*start getting small items for stockings
*decide which gift to give DH now, and which to hold for his Jan b-day
*borrow peppermint decorations for our ward party on Sat
*check on entertainment people for the ward party
*make dinner tonight for a new mom/baby in the ward
*coordinate monthly calendar of family stuff/work stuff with the ward stuff we also have going on
*get Christmas crafts ready for our Activity Day party tomorrow
*get gifts ready to give the girls
*write a lame email Christmas card since I'm too cheap to buy stamps this year
*send out a few real cards for those loved ones without email
*figure out what goodies to bake with my sisters on our baking night
*try to find a night when everyone is free for visiting teaching. yeah right.
Two quotes by the two year old
About Me
Random stuff about me. I'd love to see your responses to these. Email me or put them on your own blog!
Someone gives you money and sends you into the grocery store to pick up 4 items. You can only pick one thing from the following departments. What is it?
1. Produce: Bananas
2. Bakery: Donuts
3. Meat: Chicken
4. Frozen: Meatballs
If I were to listen in on one of your conversations throughout the day, what 5 phrases or words would I be most likely to hear?
1. What homework do you have tonight?
2. Sure, I'll do that.
3. Get dressed!
4. Please stop fighting.
5. What should I make for supper?
So, what 3 things do you find yourself doing every single day, and if you didn't get to do, you probably wouldn't be in the best mood?
1. Read
2. Eat
3. Listen to Sports Radio
Sweet, you just scored a whole afternoon to yourself. We're talking a 3 hour block with nobody around. What 5 activities might we find you doing?
1. Making Dinner
2. Cleaning
3. Napping
4. watching a movie.
5. going shopping
You just scored tickets to the taping of any show that comes on t.v. of your choice. You can pick between 4, so what are you deciding between?
1. ER
2. Oprah
3. Ellen
4. Good Things Utah
You're hungry for ice cream. I'll give you a triple dipper ice cream cone. What 3 flavors can I pile on for ya?
1. Moose Tracks
2. Vanilla
3. Cookies and Cream
Somebody stole your purse/wallet…in order to get it back, you have to name 5 things you know are inside to claim it. So, what's in there?
1. Black wallet
2. chapstick
3. coupons
4. a tampon
5. Salon punch card
You are at a job fair, and asked what areas you are interested in pursuing a career in. Let's pretend you have every talent and ability to be whatever you wanted, so what 4 careers would be fun for you?
1. Stay-at-home mom
2. Nurse
3. Floral Designer
4. Baker or Chef
If you could go back and talk to the old you, when you were in high school, and inform yourself of 4 things, what would you say?
1. Don't date one boy exclusively
2. Don't compare yourself to others
3. Listen to and respect Mom and Dad
4. Focus more on your testimony than impressing others
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Strange Staples
What a weird mail experience. I placed a $6 order (3 clearance items) from Staples with free shipping. So yesterday morning I get a message saying "your order will be a day later than we hoped". Two hours later the huge box shown above was delivered to my side door. In front of the box is what was inside.
Yes, that box of mini pens. In that HUGE box.
Yes, that box of mini pens. In that HUGE box.
An hour after that, the small box was delivered to the side door, containing the two items shown in front.
I mean, it was free shipping, so I shouldn't even care. But I do, because it just bugs me. And what was with the phone call?
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Works for me Wednesday
Ever wonder what to make for supper when you are out of time and out of brain cells? I love this post from Rocks in My Dryer and all the replies (over 200!) from fellow bloggers about what they whip up in a jiffy.
I'm looking forward to trying post #212...
"Here is my version of healthy Sweet and Sour Chicken
All you need: a couple of chicken breasts
1 small onion (optional)
a jar of apricot jelly ( I use a small jar of all fruit spread)
a jar (or a portion that is the same size as the apricot jelly) of salsa
I simple spray a wok or large frying pan with Pam and brown my chicken (with the onions). Once chicken is no longer pink, I add the salsa and apricot jelly. Bring it to a boil, simmer…and you are done. We love it and it is relatively healthy.
Rice and steamed broccoli make great sides.
I often serve pineapple chunks with it to go along with the sweet and sour theme. Sometimes I cook sweet red peppers with the chicken and onion.
I'm looking forward to trying post #212...
"Here is my version of healthy Sweet and Sour Chicken
All you need: a couple of chicken breasts
1 small onion (optional)
a jar of apricot jelly ( I use a small jar of all fruit spread)
a jar (or a portion that is the same size as the apricot jelly) of salsa
I simple spray a wok or large frying pan with Pam and brown my chicken (with the onions). Once chicken is no longer pink, I add the salsa and apricot jelly. Bring it to a boil, simmer…and you are done. We love it and it is relatively healthy.
Rice and steamed broccoli make great sides.
I often serve pineapple chunks with it to go along with the sweet and sour theme. Sometimes I cook sweet red peppers with the chicken and onion.
Making a List, Checking it Twice

OOOhhhh, December. I suppose it realy truly is. Why do I still feel like I should be looking for sales on pumpkin pie and stuffing?
Anyway, I suppose I should quit being lazy and get moving on my list. To-do list. Need-to-buy list. Things-to-bake list. Find-a-darn-tree-and-get-a-wreath-on-my-door-list.
Here goes:
*find a buy a tree (one that smells this year. Last year we cut down a 10 foot tree and it had NO scent whatsoever)
*get a wreath on my naked front door
*put out at least a few decorations so my kids will know what month it is
*begin wrapping the gifts I have
*keep reminding myself that I'm pretty much done shopping and should stop picking up cute pink things
*start getting small items for stockings
*decide which gift to give DH now, and which to hold for his Jan b-day
*borrow peppermint decorations for our ward party on Sat
*check on entertainment people for the ward party
*make dinner tonight for a new mom/baby in the ward
*coordinate monthly calendar of family stuff/work stuff with the ward stuff we also have going on
*get Christmas crafts ready for our Activity Day party tomorrow
*get gifts ready to give the girls
*write a lame email Christmas card since I'm too cheap to buy stamps this year
*send out a few real cards for those loved ones without email
*figure out what goodies to bake with my sisters on our baking night
*try to find a night when everyone is free for visiting teaching. yeah right.
You're probably thinking I'm a scrooge. I'm not, really. I just like getting ready for Christmas a little closer to Christmas. I remember my mom telling me that they used to wait till Christmas Eve to put up their tree. That's my kind of tree.
Ok, that might be going a bit far. But I find I'm more ready for Christmas if I don't drag it out forever. It also helps Santa because the sooner the kids make their lists, the more time they have to keep adding to them!
Monday, December 3, 2007

We had a great weekend. Friday DH and I went to the temple. Sat he had a scout conference most of the day and we were just lounging around and staying warm for the rest of it. It snowed a decent amount and it was a perfect day for doing nothing.
Yesterday we had DS2's confirmation. We were sadly missing several family members, but it was nice. I so appreciate the support of those that did come. We are usually at my side of the family for Fast Sunday dinner. My mom and little bro are very busy every weekend during wrestling season, so dinner plans were changed at the last minute to give mom a break. We all crammed into my sister's apartment and it was great. Good food, nice visiting. My kids especially love it there.
Today I'm just doing the normal Monday catch-up. Laundry, dishes, FHE. We ran errands and went to the library this morning. Came home with far too many books and movies :) And my neighbor just came over and gave us a family size Papa Murphy's BBQ chicken pizza that she got from her brother. Turns out she hates BBQ but didn't want him to feel bad, so she brought it over! DH will love it. I already invited my baby sis over for FHE and Sloppy joes for supper, but we can cook the pizza tomorrow.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
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