Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mid-week ramblings

Random Tuesday stuff.

First of all, don't you just want to eat this child? Scrumptious.

Second, it better be a big bite. At 5 weeks weighs in at 11 lbs 12 oz.

Third, after a week of my sister waiting for me to stich these burp cloths for her, I finally did. I am enjoying sewing even more than I thought I would. They turned out really cute, even for a rookie like me.

Fourth, I ventured out yesterday before the snow hit for some fabric. So excited to see my stash grow. I didn't get really anything else done yesterday, but fabric is a priority, ya know.

And fifth, tell me this guy isn't handsome. This is my baby brother at his military ball over the weekend. He wrestles for Iowa State and is also there on an ROTC scholarship. This is his first college date, awwww. He has submitted his paperwork for a 2 year mission for our church, and any day now should hear where he gets to serve!


  1. Wishing I had some little sisters to set him up with! And the baby, so sweet. I am turning into an old lady because I just want to pinch her!

  2. Watch out for the fabric addiction!


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