Thursday, March 5, 2009

Oh, to be six

Jedi asked me yesterday right before supper if he could have cold lunch today. (I'm a mean mom and hate packing the two lunches I have to everyday, so I make my other kids have hot lunch). I figured it was fine this time, so I said yes. I planned on helping him later on.

What I didn't realize was that he had 1: already made it by the time we had our meal, and 2: already eaten some of it because he was so hungry.

Here is the interesting lunch I found at bedtime.

Ignore the crappy pics, Costco has still not found my new camera!

Half eaten bologna sandwich, with conversation hearts inside (no, I'm not making that up)

Bulging baggie of chips combined with Club crackers

A browning banana plus an apple with two bites taken out of it.


  1. That's awesome. I love that he ate it before dinner. lol

  2. That was so funny! Has Jess had her baby yet?

  3. Laughing!!! What an awsome kid!

  4. I've never had conversation hearts on my sandwich...I'll have to give it a try! (jk) He is so cute - kids are so funny!


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