Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh, the POOP

I preface this with an apology to those of you readers that are not the least bit interested in baby poop. Maybe you haven't experienced it, or maybe you just don't care.

If you've ever cared for a baby, though, you know the poop story.

You hold your sweet little thing, keeping their gaze and marvelling at the wonder of it all. They smell so sweet, their cheeks are so soft. You are so connected right now.

Then a sound breaks through the silence. There's a bit of an explosion of sorts going on in the trusty (we hope) diaper. Why are they grunting so much? It's just liquid for pete's sake.

Now this sounds high-volume. Panic begins to set in as you wonder what the next 10 minutes has in store for you.

Questions run through your mind. Is she wearing the name brand diaper right now or the cheap-o one? Did I put a onesie on? Who gave us this outfit? How expensive was it? Do I have time to soak the outfit and do a load of laundry before I go visiting teaching?

More explosive sounds. Now you have to deal with the dilemma of how to hold the child while she "finishes". You don't want to put pressure on the exploding area - what if you made it squish all over? Can't lie her down, same problem. So you decide on a strange under-the-armpit dangle while hoping for the best.

Periodic checks to see if the offensive substance is beginning to leak anywhere, and really wishing you hadn't worn your white shirt today. Sure enough, we are beginning to show orange through the blanket sleeper back.

Where to assess the damage? In the nice clean bassinet where you normally change diapers? Well, this is not a normal diaper. This is the once-a-week "tell daddy about it" kind of poop. Ok, still dangling infant (gotta keep the white shirt clean) you pass the hamper and see a dark colored shirt on top. Perfect. No stains. You lay baby in the bassinet but on top of the dark shirt.

Where to start? Sheesh, the more you deal with the legs and bottom parts, the more it will flow out the top of the diaper (curse Pampers). Remember that the little pink sleeper was a hand-me-down and not worth the trouble. After way too many wipes, wrap up the garbage and outfit together and throw in trash.

Get baby dressed in something cute and do it quickly. It's almost time for visiting teaching. And pray it doesn't happen again - at least not today.


  1. Look at that cute belly.

    The dreaded "blowout" Oh, more of those than I can count. Some of my babies have been worse than others.

  2. LOL! I loved this, especially so many adorable pictures of Rosebud! I am definitely not above blogging about poop ( :) A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do! Luckily the kids are so darn cute when they're not soiled and it makes up for it, right?

  3. **knock on wood** luckily this hasn't happened in the five days my baby has been alive, but grandma J was changing a poopy diaper today and she started pooping again in the process and it got everywhere!! lol I asked if it was her first time changing a diaper. :-)

  4. There are a few things I don't miss about babys. blowouts are one of them. Good thing she is so cute!!!!

  5. Oh, how I remember. But, honestly, that cute little thing having an icky blowout. Can't believe it. She's too much of a lady.

  6. Oh my gosh, how hilarious and absolutely true! She is precious! Poopy diapers and all.

  7. How funny!! I have so been here too many times to count! Thankfully, it does not happen when I am using the bumGenius cloth pocket diapers, almost everytime with the disposable though!

    Thanks for sharing and for the laugh!

    God Bless!

  8. This post makes me laugh. I was changing my sisters new baby and she gave me that look..almost smile and explosed all over my lap. Matthew almost threw up, Anna and Daniel wanted to know about when and if they had done this to me, my sister laughed her head off! Your baby is beautiful!


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