Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hey, a kid can dream

My boys were having their regular if-I-had-a-billion-dollars-I-would-buy... discussion.

I guess I should back up by saying we turned our heat on last week. Just a little in the mornings. As far as I can remember it is the only time in my life, married or in my parents' home as a child, that my heat has been on before November. Really big deal around here. We do the blanket/socks/hoodie thing.

So the kids were going off on their wishes.

"I would have the biggest swimming pool ever!"

"I would have a Mustang convertible!"

"I would turn the heat on at night so we could be warm!"

Poor things.


  1. Sorry Jen, Have to agree with the boys. My heats been on for a month.

  2. LOL! That is too hilarious! The poor kids. We have the heat on, just pretty low because Ry and I like it cold to sleep. I just can't stop laughing about that one. HEE HEE!

  3. Your poor deprived children. I'm glad mine aren't the only ones suffering.

  4. Your house IS wonder their sick hahahaha. j/k

  5. your house IS wonder those kids are sick with the sniffles hahahahaha...j/k


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