Friday, October 30, 2009

How you can tell we've been home too much

We've been sick. Blah, blah, blah. I know, so has everyone else. This is how I can tell we've been stuck in this house this week:

~My laundry is done and my laundry room clean

~Payday was today and I still had half a tank of gas

~I steam mopped the tile (can't even remember when I last did that)

~The kids consider returning the Redbox movie to be a special outing

~We are out of cereal but have had dessert nearly every night

~I actually have the costumes ready

~I have been reading all your blogs and yet have nothing blog-worthy to say about my wild, kleenex-filled life

~I found the time to sew pajama pants for every kid

~The kids are killing each other and I don't even blame them; I'll just chalk it up to being a product of their circumstances

~I begged the hubby to get me a burger last night, just to verify life was still happening outside these 4 walls

PS. My little Rosebud turned 9 months this week but I can't bear to take her monthly pic with a crusty nose :(


  1. first of all you look super HOTT in your mask!!
    I totally feel your pain. I was SO happy when they went back to school. To much together time:)

  2. I am so sorry Jen. I HATE it when we are sick. You are in my prayers.

  3. Oh, I feel so bad for you guys! I am glad things are starting to get better though! Hopefully they are all feeling good for trick or treating.

  4. So sorry you guys have been sick. I have been missing your blog updates. But it to shall pass!


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