Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St Patty's thank you!

You ladies rock.

Our menu for tomorrow is no longer a mystery.

We are having Lucky Charms for breakfast, and the hats I posted earlier for a snack after school.

Supper is:

broccoli-cheese stuffed chicken breasts
 green fettuccini alfredo
steamed broccoli spears
 green dinner rolls (if I feel motivated)
pot 'o gold yellow jello in ramekins 
pistachio cake (recipe here)

The kids are already wondering if the breakfast milk will be green again he he he.


  1. I like that you are having two desserts...can I come for dinner? :)

  2. i have never done anything special for St Patty's - even though DH jokes that it's HIS day (lol). I'm inspired by you! I think I'll try your green milk and the stuffed chicken and the cute hat snacks.

  3. Reams has green dinner rolls....that's what I'm doing. I've done green pancakes for breakfast and green shamrock cookies, I didn't want to bake rolls on top of that. :-) Sounds like a fun dinner!

  4. That is such a fun idea! I'll have to make that a tradition every year too. I'm sure the kids look forward to it....even if they say green milk kind of wierds them out.

  5. That is such a fun idea! I think I might have to adopt that for my kids in the future. I'm sure the kids look forward to it every year. Maybe we'll do GREEN eggs and ham! LOL


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!