Monday, May 24, 2010

Happiness is...

a full refrigerator


  1. you are so gonna laugh at me. I JUST took a picture of my pantry to write a post about!!! We really are twins!!! I LOVE it:)
    p.s. I LOVE your fridge picture. There is nothing better!

  2. I agree with comment #1...send some Dr. Pepper my way!

  3. And it's clean too/
    That reminds me, mine needs to be cleaned out. Maybe left over Tuesday.My kids favorite day......

  4. ok so I saw your fridge and turned to Colby and said look they have the SAME fridge except you open it on the other side!!

    As I looked at your fridge it is so funny to me how people with the same fridge could organize it so differently!!

    I too am happy when my fridge is full that means no shopping for a while and I am blessed with FOOD!!!

  5. Yes food is good, I love when my fridge is full. It is almost as good of a feeling after I have paid all the bills, and I think "Yep we made it another month." It is all a great blessing!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!