Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Yummy orange rolls

Princess loves to bake with me.  We did orange rolls last week.

They tasted great, even if the toddler got her fingers into the dough while it was rising. 


  1. haha. cute pokes.
    I've been wanting to make orange rolls forever, but every time I'm missing an ingredient needed. So I'm determined to get it all today and make them!
    Also- just wondering what year end gifts your dh likes as a teacher? This is my first year with teachers, and I have no idea. I love the idea of a thank you note, so will for sure do that.

  2. Looks yummy. Where's mine? :-) How much would you charge to be my personal chef?

  3. mmm looks so yummy. Where's mine? :-) How much would you charge to be my personal cook lol


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!