Wednesday, May 19, 2010

You say potato, I say potahto

I saved this graphic years ago, and when I read the comments from my journaling post yesterday I knew I had to dig it up.

I absolutely love my blog, and I love the chance it gives me to be a writer and sort out some of my thoughts here and there.  I do see it as being very different from a journal though.  A stand-in for a scrapbook, or a way to let far away relatives see what's up?  Absolutely.

I have intensely personal things shared in a journal - things like financial struggles, faith promoting experiences learned through church service, miracles in my life, the transcendant power of birth, the rise and fall of my individual strengths and weaknesses.  Those are things too deep for me to share in a blog setting for the world to see.  Does that make sense?  Maybe I'm out of the ordinary, or more likely, there are a dozen reasons people keep up sites like this.  Just wanted to share an additional view of the purpose of blogging.

journals - diaries - blogs - personal histories - scrapbooks

i'm grateful for all of them!


  1. Gotcha. I guess that is true, my journal would never be 'public' like my blog. And honestly, the journal from my teenage years, I probably wouldn't even let my kids read until they were WAY grown up. I have not written in my journal since i started this blog. SHame on me. It's important, too.

  2. totally agree. There are things I'd never write, or pictures I wouldn't show on a blog. Some people do, and that's fine, but not my thing.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!