Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to school 2010

Another year rolls in. Summer felt short this year. The first day of school nearly took us by surprise. The kids were able to have a surprise shopping trip with their grandma to add to their back-to-school clothes, too. They loved that attention!

Here are the elementary kids just before leaving.  Always a pic at the front door.  Same spot, every year.

Jedi headed to third grade:

Bugs going to fifth:

We always walk to school together on the first day.

Geez, he barely needs me anymore.

Mr handsomeness.

Jedi in line to go in.  I think he only has two kids taller than him in class this year.


Fast forward one week, and it's time to send Potter to jr high. 
I was SO nervous.  Not him; he was just excited.

He suddenly seems so big! 

His shoes are now a mens size 9. :(

And then he was going,



I couldn't even go home and bawl.  I was only allotted a few tears as he shut the van door and then I had to put on a happy face for my kindergartener.

Since the first week of school is just testing for the little ones, today was Princess' first day, too.

I could pinch her!

lil' sass

one more hug, Daddy

I waited to cry till she turned away from me, so she never saw it.

Nothing left to do but put Rosebud down for a nap. 
What a day!


  1. oh my gosh that was too much! I almost shed a tear for you!!!! What an emotional day. Glad you survived:)

  2. I am crying reading this. They are all so old, I can hardly believe it. They all looked so cute in their 1st day of school outfits. Good lookin boys! I couldn't believe how cute A's dress and leggings were! What a cutie!! Good luck with your ever hectic schedules. Love you and thinking about you!

  3. Your kids are ADORABLE!! I teared up reading it, so sweet. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Ok stop right now...I just can't even imagine what it will be like next year when my first child starts...I don't think I would be able to hold back the tears and by the time she hits 1st grade she will be like "Mom seriously"!! They do grow up WAY TOO FAST!!!

  5. So cute -- I love the smile on your kindergartner!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!