Monday, January 23, 2012

A laugh a minute (or more)

Ah, Mr. Brian Regan.  You are a funny man.  We were lucky enough to get tickets for Christmas again (we went a year or two ago when he was in town) and we were in the front row this time.

This is taken from my lap.  No zoom.  The stool with his water bottles on it is at the back of the stage.  Obviously, this is before it began.  You can't record or photograph. 

We braved a huge storm and trekked all over downtown while getting drenched - and it was worth every second.  The ruffles on my homemade ruffle shirt?  Soaked, lol.

I laughed so hard my cheeks burned and I was actually crying when he did a bit about bagpipes and marching bands.  I seriously love his style.  ALL new material and I was so impressed. 

(The post title comes from a "compliment" he got once from someone who attended a show.  He told Brian it was a laugh a minute.  Since that's not a great ratio of actual laughter for a comedian, he was hoping to give us a reason to chuckle a lot more often than that :)

Way too much slush for walking in flats.  Oh well.

We even went to my fave cheesesteak shop.  Fan-stinkin-tastic date!!

I hope all the new stuff this weekend means that a new DVD might be on its way?  We shall see!

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!