Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bye bye June

Is that all I have time for anymore?  Catch-up posts?  They sound so obligatory, but maybe at least my sisters have a reason to care about the halfway checked off giant to-do list that sums up my life.

I thought about just posting pictures and adding a few captions. 

Truth is, I have taken nearly no pictures this month.  For real.  But it's not so bad.  I've enjoyed my kids.  We've fallen out of routine.  We've stayed up too late.  We've bothered Strider as the kids and I carry on when we should be having family prayer and instead we're popping our toe knuckles and piling on our bed and laughing and giggling.  We've had a mostly clean house.  We've had lots of camps and band practices and conferences, with more to come.  We've done lots of playground time and lunch at the park.  We've gotten super excited about planning a road trip vacation back east, and spent countless hours researching our itinerary and the best deals.

It's hot outside, there are lots of otter pops in the freezer, and we're doing great!

Happy summer!

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