Monday, July 2, 2012

On my mind Monday

A few thoughts today.

1.  The public library is severely underrated.  It is one of the most glorious places.  Free books?  Love of my life.

2.  We've been challenged by our new mission and our bishop to visit every home in our neighborhood this month.  I'm getting tongue tied already.  But I am going to do my part.

3.  Taking the kids swimming by yourself is a nerve-wracking experience.

4.  My husband is the very very very best man for me.  I'm so blessed.

5.  I am super excited about the olympics.

6.  All the wildfires across the state are scaring me.

7.  The 4th of July is more important to me than most holidays.  It is thrilling and emotional to me.

8.  My mother in law turns 60 tomorrow.  Wow.  She gets better with age, too.

9.  I need new contacts asap.

10.  It is very hard to book a hotel room for 7 people.

11.   Kids, during the summer, never. stop. eating.  Ever.  Can you imagine students in school eating every 30 min?  I can't either.

12.  Potter begins Eagle Project plans this week.  Finally!

13.  How did we ever survive without cell phones?

14.  There was a moment last week (when Strider was out of town for work) during which I was actually caught up on laundry.  Yes, I'm serious!

15.  Potter can almost beat his dad in arm wrestling.


  1. Sometimes when I read your posts...I think "wait isn't that just what I was thinking?" We are twins in so many ways! Love you!!!!

  2. Your list is fun. I love keeping up even being so far away! I agree with so many of the things on your list. Had all four kids in swimming lessons for two weeks and it about killed me!

    Pretty much never caught up on laundry, major kudos to you! A friend here with one kid asked me if I am constantly doing laundry because it is hard for her to keep up with just 3 people. I told her yep, I'm either sorting or washing or folding or hanging up. Or I should be!

    I only have to book a hotel room for six people and it is hard enough! I told sweet husband if we have another kid we won't travel. Ever. :) But we have discovered if you are staying somewhere long term-ish (5-7 days or more) it is great to just rent a condo/house and often cheaper too! We rented a condo in Park City last year and loved it, and a house in Oklahoma, and we have one lined up in Florida for when we go to Disneyworld in October. The one in Florida is 2300 sq ft and has a private pool and we are getting it for less than $80/night! Anyway, it's the hotel rooms on the way TO somewhere that are hardest, huh?

    Miss you guys!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!