Monday, June 29, 2009

My baby is 5 months

I have no idea how this happened, but as of Sunday my baby girl is five months old. What the heck!

So here she is in all her squishy, happy, chubby, smiley, cuddly, nearly-sitting-up-alone glory!


  1. What a cutie! Love the dress!

  2. she is SO stink cute! I dont know how you can stand to put her down for a second! I just want to kiss those cheeks! Hopefully one day we can meet in person:O)

  3. I love to see pictures of her smiling. She's so adorable!

  4. Why is it that 9 months of pregnecy seem to go on forever and then once they are born it goes to quickly?

  5. She is so so cute! I love little chubby babies and yours looks so kissable. She has a great smile.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!