Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I had to sign permission slips for each of my school-age children to have the opportunity to listen to our president speak to them today.

Our president.

Since when is our president speaking to us a matter that requires a signed permission slip?

I didn't vote for Obama. If I had to vote again today I still wouldn't vote for him. I am a conservative voice.

I was also taught to respect my leaders and that includes the leader of the free world and the country in which I was born and reside.

What are we teaching our children by refusing to listen to the message prepared for them by their president? Don't we have enough trouble getting this generation of kids to respect their elders, their teachers, their parents? Is that the correct message; you don't agree with someone or their policies, so you boycott what they have to say?

What if Fox News or CNN decided not to air a presidential press conference or an evening speech from the oval office? I would not be okay with that.

I hope my children can learn to love all people - not all morals and not all ideals, but all people. I hope they will respect the person in charge. Always. I hope they can form educated opinions - not based on what their parents think but by what they feel is right, deep down in their gut. And I'm pretty sure the way to help them form opinions is not by sheltering or sheilding them from those with different views of their parents. That sounds like brainwashing to me.

I am looking forward to discussing the speech with them tonight.

I am sorry I had to sign that permission slip but I gladly do so.

Proud to be an American, that's what I say. No matter who is president.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. As I signed the permission slip I too was glad my child (well children, older kids didn't have to have a slip signed,)will be able to listen to a message from the president just for them. I also hope they will listen carefully and then come home so we can talk about those things they heard.

  2. I agree. I didn't get a permission slip to sign, and I don't know for sure if they have the capability to air it at my son's school. However I did read the transcripts because I like to be informed and aware of what is going on. It's a great message that everyone needs--not just kids.

  3. I love this post. I keep reading all the rants about the Presidential address to our students and I thought I was the only one that was wondering what the big deal was. I also didn't vote for Obama, I may not always agree with his politics, but if the President wants to tell my kids that its important to stay in school and get an education.....fine by me! I'd rather have them look up to the Pres of the USA as a role model...a man who overcame a lot and worked hard to get where he is today..... than some of the more questionable sports "heros" and Hollywood.

  4. I love what you said! Obama supporter or not, I think it was an amazing opportunity for the kids to hear a message from the President of the United States that was just for them! What were people thinking he'd do? It was ridiculous, and I wish I could have seen the address!

  5. You have such a great way with words. I couldn't have said it better (I wish I could), but I sure do agree whole-heartedly!!!!!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!