Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday Thirteen

1. I was a really good mom yesterday. Seriously. I was flying solo last night and it all just worked. Know what I mean? Everyone was stimulated, healthy, and everything got done. Need more days like that.

2. Bad habit to begin, but I have really been loving diet coke. Especially in cute little bottles which is the most expensive way to buy it.

3. Hanging out this week with siblings during the day? Priceless!

4. My fridge is sorry-looking. You know the cupboard is getting bare when the kids are begging for fruit. Glad tomorrow is payday.

5. Yay for The Office tonight.

6. What did we do before digital cameras? I love taking a bazillion photos.

7. I want to sew this weekend. I want to make an apron and I volunteered to do some stuff for the elementary school. Yikes - sewing for others? What am I thinking?

8. I was baptized 26 years ago today. Best choice I ever made.

9. My oldest is getting old! For Rude! He asked me to go play after school. Play with the big boys. Before they rode off on bikes and scooters they compared biceps, upper lip hair (none) and Adam's apples at the end of my driveway. Oy.

10. My birthday money is buring a serious hole in my pocket. Never having any spending money is rough, because when you do, you go crazy thinking of the possibilities!

11. I am finally ready for fall. The ridiculous non-fall decor by my front porch has got to go.

12. My crawling baby is cramping my style. I forget about all our stairs till the little ones start moving!!

13. My diet coke is gone. Better go start supper.

PS. To those with questions about my CHI...pretty much the straightener I never thought I'd have. It's worth about 4 times more than the one I had been using. It has ceramic plates which are quicker and more efficient at getting your hair smooth. But of course my hair is way too long right now. I have not had my bob since March and I need to get it back and get thinned out in order to really use this the right way.


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