Wednesday, September 30, 2009

You can't make this stuff up

My last 24 hours:

12:00: nice day; let's go to the park
1:00: low on gas, so ride to park with sister
3:00: finish playing with sisters and kids at a park downtown
3:30: get ride back home, can't find keys
3:35: get house key from neighbors
3:40: other sister calls; my keys left in her stroller - in the next county
3:41: realize I am seeing her Wed evening and will get keys back then
6:00: get Strider's van key off his keychain so I have it for tomorrow

9:00: is it worth it for library story time today? Sure is cold.
9:15: baby is napping early.
10:00: ok, we will go to the later story time
11:00: dress the kids, think about who will be coldest and grab hoodie for Rosebud
11:10: baby is dry and happy - no need to bring diaper bag
11:15: if we don't leave soon we are late!
11:25 buckling the kids - two tires need air BAD
11:27: decide to get air after library
11:32: in storytime, girls are happy
12:15: checking out books
12:20: back to the van, van doesn't start
12:21: keep trying not to look homeless as mommies pull away in their nice vans all around us
12:22: calling sister, father-in-law
12:25: calling nearly everyone on my street and in my ward that I know is home and/or has the room to fit our car seats. getting busy signals and answering machines
12:30: try father-in-law again with success!
12:35: back in library to stay warm (Princess is positively freezing)
12:50: he arrives, go out to meet our rescuer - baby starving and cold
12:51: attempt discreet nursing while having no nursing cover and talking to f-i-l
12:52: is the baby stinky?
1:00: f-i-l doesn't know what it needs - decides to abandon van and take us home
1:01: realize that this the one night a week we don't see Strider till 10pm
1:02: guess my plans to go to book club and see sister with the keys are looking grim
1:03: all carseats in his car, ready to roll
1:04: I have to pee SO bad
1:05: reach in pocket - can't feel spare house key from neighbors I brought
1:08: retrace all steps, in and out of library, give up
1:10: baby crying, stop at elementary school
1:12: Bugs is a good boy and had his key in his backpack. he brings it to his poor mother in the office
1:15: home and safe. quick prayer of thanks for the ride and the spare key
1:20: making an appointment to get my head examined


  1. on honey I am so sorry! I wish I was closer I would have totally rescued you!!! Then i would have brought you soup and my van keys (not a NICE van by the way) and I would watch your littles so you could go to book club:)

  2. So glad we all have days like that.

  3. What a day! I'm sorry! I've had a not-so-fun week so far but reading this put it into perspective :) It's nice to know even people I admire so much for being so put together all the time have days like this :) Hope it all works out okay.

  4. I am soooo sorry. I HATE days like that. And why do they always happen when we have things planned? I hope you get your van working.

  5. wow! hope that never happens again!

  6. I don't know if I should cry with you or laugh? sorry I was not able to help you. Hope the Chocolate helped.

  7. Oh man I was totally not home on Wednesday did you try to call me to help I totally would have loved to help!! If you didn't try to call me then SHAME on you try to call me next time I would have loved to help out a dear friend. I am sorry it was crazy for you. I love you!!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!