Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I was in charge of book club this month, and I chose to read 1776 by David McCullough. Originally it was on the urging of Strider. He has wanted me to read it for years.

I went into the book knowing little of the Revolutionary War. I ended the book realizing how very little. I am embarrassed to admit how unbelievably ignorant I am of our country and its origins. I call myself patriotic but I know nothing of the sacrifices made or the groundwork laid.

I also took from this book an overwhelming sense of pride in and respect for our first commander-in-chief, George Washington. He was most disciplined and proper and honest and faithful. I began reading a biography of him this morning, as I feel I just can't get enough.

I loved this book and highly recommend it!


  1. I just picked this up at the library on Friday and tried to start it today, but got sidetracked. Can't wait to read it.

  2. I am a heavy reader, it is my out from reality. My goal for 2011 is to read at least one informational book each month. I will add this to my list, thanks!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!