Saturday, June 7, 2008

Thanks for all your encouraging words.

We were able to do a last minute date to the temple last night (Thanks, H.L.!) It was a great evening and was exactly what I needed in order to feel the spirit so strongly and put everything back into perspective.

We are ready for our talks, and most of my callings have been taken care of. I am thankful for being able to serve!


  1. You all did such a great job speaking on Sunday. Your boys' talks and testimonies were sweet. I really liked what you had to say about Family Home Evening. Damian and I struggle with trying to be consistant but it isn't easy. Thank you for the inspiration to push through the times when I wonder if my girls are just too little.

  2. Thanks for letting everyone know it was OK that everything doesn't always turn out the way you plan. Being flexable I needed to hear that. You all did a great job. Thank you


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!