Sunday, February 22, 2009


My goodness - so many babies I know are getting RSV! They say it's a bad year...

I took the baby to church last week, but I am too scared to this week. We are staying home one more time. Been there, done that, DON'T wish to again!


  1. I know, I saw the Winn's on the news last week. Then got an email about Peyton. So far, it hasn't struck the 5th ward. I thought my family would be safe after they turned 1, but Peyton is the same age as my little one, or pretty dang close. I don't wish that on any one. We have frequent flier miles in the NICU, don't want to add anymore....
    Good call an the quarentine,

  2. I do not blame you for staying home. I would keep that little rose bud home too.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!