Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Baby sign

When Princess was 14 months I started sign language with her. It was lots of fun to learn signs as a family and it was cool to watch her sign words before she could speak them. I realized how much more we could have benefited by starting earlier. Now that Rosebud is nearing 6 months I have been gearing up to begin with her too. I have used Signing Time
and I was looking around online a bit and I see they have a focus just for babies too. How neat.

Here is a 12 month old with a large vocabulary.

And the same mom talking about her experiences with baby sign and the benefit it was for her daughter.

Baby Signing Time

1 comment:

  1. I totally teach my kids sign from early on and love it. My sister in law is a HUGE fan of the signing time videos but I haven't seen one yet. Do you have the videos? Let me know what you think!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!