Monday, July 13, 2009

Wedded Bliss

Strider's baby brother got married on Saturday. What a lucky guy!

Here is a sample of the day.

Here is the temple:

And it wouldn't be an exciting trip without a little car trouble. Yes, that's Strider, on the ground, at a gas station, in a suit. I offered a blanket to kneel on, but I guess he's too good for that. [sigh] And 10 minutes before the baby had a poopy diaper at said gas station, Strider used all the baby wipes on the car ordeal. I am glad I wasn't driving, though, and I wasn't alone.

Then the reception:

No, it's not halloween. LOL But her colors were pink, orange and green and it just so happened that the groom and Strider were both orange.

Both the Princess and bride had fancy hot pink shoes :)

And what good would a new dress be if you couldn't twirl?

The nieces and nephews getting a little antsy.

All the cute girls together. Princess really never wanted to be more than 3 feet away from her. She spent most of the day just staring at that white dress, dreaming.


  1. That is exactly how Charity was when my Brother got married she stared at Amber and tried to be as close as she could to the BIG white dress!! Weddings can be crazy yet soo fun!!

  2. I still can't get over how cute the girls looked!


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