Sunday, July 12, 2009

Blogiversary and busyness

I can't believe I began this blog two years ago. My first post was July 10, 2007 and I wanted to create a record, share thoughts via computer, and keep in touch with family and friends. I love this forum and the ease of getting information out so quickly. I love seeing your blogs too, and I'm a faithful reader of so many. I am thankful that the internet has brought me closer to some friends and helped me reconnect with others I thought I'd lost.

All mushiness aside, I am simply exhausted and so blessed this weekend. I know it was just like a week or two ago that I posted all the nutso stuff we were doing with starting the roof and wedding prep and such. I don't like busy. I don't DO busy. My life is so much more sane at a slow pace and this homebody likes s-l-o-w days.

This week was not slow. Scout camp, finishing the roof, feeding missionaries, swimming, rodeo, car trouble, wedding. I need a serious nap. And some games with my siblings. And a Slurpee. And a date with my hubby. And a clean house.

Oh yeah, speaking of clean house? Guess what three days in hyper-mode does to your home? Yeah, you get my drift. And guess what I have 48 hours to be ready for? About 20 women to come to my house for a 'home and garden tour' on Tuesday.



  1. So they rescheduled huh? It will be great. Take some pics of the other homes so I can reminise.

  2. WOW you have been a busy lady!!
    i wish i was a little closer and I would come help you defunk the house for your get together. Then again we would more than likely sit on the couch visiting and not get anything done:O)

    I for one and so HAPPY to have found you again!!!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!