Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Apricot Jam

Hungry yet?

Not too bad for my first time...

I found apricots yesterday for .50 per pound, so I thought I would give it a go.

I learned a lot.

First batch was a little overcooked. It tasted great while hot but gelled way too much. I think I will use it in recipes like this:
Apricot Chicken

I basically used this recipe:
Apricot Jam ..but 30 minutes is TOO LONG. The second batch was cooked for 20 minutes and so far seems to be perfect.

I made a smaller batch the first time, about 6 cups apricots, and got 3 pints. Next batch I used 8 cups apricots and got 4.5 pints. Bonus: every jar sealed perfectly.

You can all probably ignore that information. I just wanted to document what I did so I can refer to it in the future.

I don't know many things in this world more satisfying than canning. It's one of the few jobs I do that's not undone in 10 mintues!!


  1. Yum...that looks so good.
    It reminded me of the bread and jam we had on the trek. I never knew bread and jam tasted so good until that day.

  2. You're saving a jar for me, right? It looks delicious!

  3. Glad to say that I got a jar. Soooo good. Only problem, now I have to bake bread to go with it. Thanks


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