Not just sleepy,
t-i-r-e-d.I am tired of kids calling my name, yet I'm glad they are home and are healthy.
I am tired of finding interesting things to cook, but I'm grateful for food in the pantry.
I am TIRED of my husband going to school, but I'm thankful he is trying to get a better degree.
I am tired of kids asking me if they can have this or that before they eat/use it, but I'm thankful they don't just help themselves to everything in the house.
I am tired of answering the phone, even though it means someone is thinking of us.
I am tired of watching the price of gas go up, but thankful I don't have to do as much driving as some people.
I am tired of those that think being a Stay-At-Home mom is some sort of luxury but I'm happy to make the sacrifices necessary to raise my children on one income.
I am tired of summer already even though it has been mild temps so far.
I am tired of missing out on going places alone because of a baby, but I'm grateful to be able to nourish her and for the bond we share.
I am tired of reading the Old Testament, but I'm glad I committed to finishing it before the year is out (after
reading the NT in 2007 and then Book of Mormon in March 2008, I started the OT in April 2008).
I'm tired that the kids have to eat seriously
every hour while they are home, yet I'm glad they somehow survive the school year only eating once in the middle of the day.
I'm tired of the swim suits, towels and other summer laundry but I know it means someone was having fun.