Saturday, December 5, 2009

Advent calendar

Do your kids like reading "like the librarian does"? My kids do, especially Princess. She is nothing if not a book lover and "reads" them aloud to us constantly. Here she is reading to her audience (me).

Anyway, I promised Andrea I would show my simple Christmas countdown for the kids. I have done this for several years now, although there are TONS of cuter and yummier versions out there.

I make 24 paper strips and we sit down with our calendar and lots of input from the kiddos. We place Christmas adventures on certain days and number them as we staple it all into a chain.

Then the kids get to fight take turns pulling off the link each day to see what we are doing. And for the littlest ones it helps them to "see" how many days are left. So they can STOP ASKING ME if Christmas is tomorrow.

Yes, sometimes it's just as simple as reading a story together. Other ones are driving to see various light displays, seeing the lights on Temple Square downtown, making cookies, delivering neighbor gifts, etc. So flexible for your family plus you get to hear what traditions mean a lot to them and which ones don't.


  1. okay so I know that I am getting a late start but we are totally doing this for family home evening TOMORROW! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing:)

  2. I love this idea. There are always so many things to do for the holidays. What a great way to do them all.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!