Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Let's start great in 2008

I read this on a favorite site of mine, and I'll post the whole thing here because it might as well be me talking...

"Now that the craziness is behind us it’s time to to get our homes back into some kind of order and create or re-establish our routines. I find though that I often procrastinate the most when I get overwhelmed and stressed over how much needs to be done. It’s at times like these that I have to stop focusing on the big picture, break the tasks down into small manageable steps and just do the “next thing”. It’s the only way I know how to avoid the negative thoughts that threaten to overtake and consume me causing me to not only get further behind but even more overwhelmed. It’s the “small things” that lead to things getting done one task at a time creating a sense of accomplishment that fuels continuation and fosters self-discipline".

That said, here is my list of goals for the year now before us. I said list for the year, people. This does not mean that I woke up yesterday morning and did all these things. This is a list of things I'd like to continue, things I want to begin, and things I want to be more aware of this year. Hopefully by next December I will be a better person than I am today and this list, if reviewed often, should help me get there.

2008 Goals

-drink water before meals
-eat breakfast (mostly high fiber cereal)
-no eating after 9pm
-walk to kindergarten once a week
-get ready every day, both to feel better and for my husband

-read the Book of Mormon every day
-pray morning and night on my knees
-read BOM one time before Stake Conference
-read words of the Savior from NT daily
-use Sundays or downtime to read Ensign or RS lessons
-be a better VT by setting the meeting time early in month
-love my callings no matter what they are; serve cheerfully

-have each member of our families over for dinner once
-keep note cards with me so I can contact others easily
-buy stamps and send Christmas cards early

-finish at least one book every month
-balance between fiction and non-fiction
-establish a budget and track spending

-show examples of kindness and charity to my family
-encourage and expect kindness from the children
-curb criticism and stay positive
-stop pretending to be a scrapbooker and BE one
-finish infant scrapbooks for every child
-organize pictures better so that I can scrapbook faster

-establish daily and weekly schedules that work
-use a home management notebook and treat my home with pride
-teach kids to be responsible through chores
-invite the spirit by making the living room a haven and a peaceful place
-do the dishes before bed so my day can begin on a good note
-keep the sink clean


  1. Jen,
    I am so excited that you keep a blog! I saw your link on Ashley's and decided I would check it out. You are such a great example of a righteous woman who is everything I hope to be. Ashley and I talk about how awesome you are everytime we are together and now I am thrilled that I can keep up with what is happening in your "little corner of the world." Hope you don't mind.

  2. Hi Jen,
    I am so excited to see you keep a blog! I saw your link on Ashley's new site. You are such a great example of being a righteous woman, so I am thrilled that now I can keep up with what is happening in your "little corner of the world." Hope you don't mind!


  3. Well, gosh. Thanks! You are more than welcome to hang around here. Might get boring sometimes though!

  4. Good, I'm adding it to my favorites! Sorry I didn't think my message worked the first time, so I sent it twice but everything was true both times. Thanks!

  5. Wow what a list of goals, way to go! I am sure you will accomplish all and MORE you are awesome!

  6. Hi, thanks for commenting on my blog. Great perspective on the meal thing. I will try that attitude. :) You have great goals this year! I like your blog, and I have a feeling I will be back to visit!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!