Monday, January 14, 2008

Weekend Words of 2-yr old Wisdom

Friday at lunch...
"Mom! Forks are for eating and spoons are for yogurt!!"

During the Sacrament yesterday...
"Let's say good-bye to Jesus and go to nursery".

About 20 min after we got home from church yesterday...
"Mom, thanks for getting me home!"

do I usually leave her there?


  1. Can I just add a little nursery tidbit?
    Me: "Does Jesus have a daddy? Who is Jesus' daddy?" Long pause.
    Me: "Maybe that's too hard a question..."
    Your DD: "Heavenly Father!"
    I was very impressed. What a sweet cute smart smart girl you have!

  2. Danika told me about the Heavenly Father lesson. Very cute, although I'm not gonna take credit for too much that comes out of her mouth!

  3. I love that picture of the princess. She sure told you! lol


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